Saturday, June 15, 2013

Growing Impatience

I remember in my younger days thinking, why is that old person so impatient?  He's not going anywhere.  She doesn't have anything to do anyway.  These days I find myself being impatient and I understand those impatient old people more.

Now that I think I may only have 10 or 20 years until I have to change my own diaper or have to carry my bladder in a bag and have my life pass before my eyes every time I stub my toe, I understand.  I think," Is this how I want to spend my "pre diaper time" - waiting?"  NO!

I don't want to spend the little time I have to stand unassisted and upright, waiting on some fool swiping a debit card 4 or 5 times in the 3 items or less line. Or driving the entire length of the city 25mph in a 35mph zone because the moron in front of me is texting or doesn't have a licence or insurance, or all three.  I don't want to sit in front of this computer watching a little circle go round and round "waiting" for a different screen to come up.  We need physic computers that just know what we want!  I also have learned why "bitching" about stuff becomes old people's favorite pastime.