Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas or Holiday Tree

                                                     Uncle Billy Thinks

Well, I spazzed out on the Face book thing today.  While I don't claim to be a Christian, I do believe the teachings of Christ are good to live by and am bewildered that people who proudly wear the label spend so much time fretting and getting themselves fired up over silly things that have nothing to do with living a Christlike life.(I know, run on sentence-so give me a "c").   Every year while the less fortunate go without and those who have, have and want desperately for more; so called Christians start harping about those of us who use Xmas or Holiday.   Every year there is a Democrat in the White House some God fearing Christian decides to break the 9th commandment and say the White House brazenly called the 'Christ'mas tree a  Holiday tree.  I guess breaking  9th commandment is a small price to pay to stir up some hate against the President.  Someone on my "friends" network posted this "holiday or Christmas" tree silliness and this was my response(more or less):

                                      This is not  a "holiday tree"    It's a Christmas tree!      Agree?

Well Christmas is a Holiday.  Why not call it a Christmas Holiday tree or a Holiday Christmas tree or a Victorian Holiday Christmas tree or a German tradition Victorian Holiday Christmas tree or perhaps a Winter Solstice German tradition Victorian Holiday Christmas tree.   We might also call it an evergreen tree or a Norway spruce tree or a Frazer Pine tree or a fake Frazer Pine no smell Holiday Christmas tree with baubles or a Natural Frazer Fir with smell Christmas Holiday Soltice tree with lights, beads and baubles tree.
I'm sure I missed a few.  Don't we have more "Christian" things to work on than what we call a tree?   Do we really think Christ would give a damn what we called a tree he never even saw.  A tree that was only a part of our Christian tradition for about 150 years.   So Merry Christmas lets focus on helping our needy.

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